Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3 years later- feeling hopeful

In 3 days, it will be 3 years since Bill died. I had so much to learn about myself when I found myself sitting alone in my home in Sedona.It wasn't a bad journey but it has been hard work and struggle. I missed my comfortable routine with the love of my life. Our life wasn't perfect, but it was our life and I knew what to expect most of the time. I struggled financially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I made mistakes and I learned to laugh at myself. I cried and I learned I could heal-in time-in spite of the pain. A year and half ago, I reunited a friendship from high school. After 40 years, we found we hadn't changed that much except for the physical part. Kent lost his wife to death- the love of his life - a year after I lost Bill. We started to talk on the phone and met in Orlando a year ago. We had seen each other and our spouses at school reunions - the last was 2009. Who would have guessed that a short time later, we would both be single and longing for a partner to continue to share our life with. I'm engaged! We are planning to marry but combining families is difficult. We both have so much in common and share a desire for the simple pleasures in life. We plan to travel and see all that we can see- experience life to the fullest as long as we can. We are realistic and know that sooner or later one of us will start having health problems, slow down, or be diagnosed with some horrible life threatening disease. But until that day, we plan to live each day joyfully in the present. Enjoy one another and treat each other kindly with love. Communicate and not be afraid to show our love. Forgive our mistakes and learn from them. I'm hopeful that I can have a life again that is comfortable but exciting. A good thing to wake up to each morning and say, "Yes, I'm still here!"

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Beauty from the struggle

Fine wine and butterflies are such an inspiration and encouragement for me. Beautiful creations many times comes through the struggle of getting through various stages in life, such as the caterpillar and the butterfly. I learned that fine wine comes from the struggle of the grapes during their growth and survival of the environment around them. The more they struggle the better the wine. I am struggling with the "joy" part of my life. I pray to Jehovah to give me joy through his holy spirit. The kind of joy that doesn't require putting on "the mask" and just doing what is expected. The struggle I'm going through will make me a better person in the long run. I hope that I will be able to share my experience with others and help them find the beauty in their life in spite of the struggle.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

When I saw this comic in Drabble, it reminded me so much of Rascal. Lots of puppy doxie energy!
Isn't this the best? I love Drabble Comics!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Is it spring yet? Snow in Arizona

Here it is one day before spring officially begins and we are having high levels of snow in Arizona. Flagstaff is reporting up to 30" in two days! We had reports of 9.5" yesterday and today in West Sedona but it is wet and melts underneath as it is still accumulating. I have snow drifts in my yard. Rascal is going outside to potty but he is almost covered with snow as he get's down in the yard. He has a little trail down the ramp with snow up to his belly and then he found a way to tiptoe along the edge of the porch where it is dry and does his business. Then he tiptoes back up the ramp and RUNS inside! I caught the cutest picture of him as I was outside assessing the situation. He is peeking over the gate with those sad curious eyes and appears to be asking me, "why can't we go for a walk?" At least that's my perception. Another funny Rascal story....I have been taking him out to stay in Clarkdale with a dear friend who also teaches dog obedience classes. He stayed out there recently overnight one week and then another week recently. She has a big back yard, fenced, with lots of space over an acre. She has left the landscape as natural as possible so there are low desert bushes in the yard and oak shrubbery. This is a good place for Rascal to run and play while he searches for birds to chase as they fly away from him. He can spend hours out there and gets a good workout. Well, he STILL does not come when I call him and even Joanna tried to teach him while I was gone. He could care less about food, treats, cold, wind, and rain when he is out chasing those birds until he just gets flat tired. Both Joanna and I have now experienced him zipping around the yard while we say "come" to deaf ears up to 45 min. to an hour. We both have learned not to let him out in the yard without his leash if we want to go somewhere and just letting him out to do his business before we go. All you can see is this little brown streak flashing by. If I try to walk or chase after him, he just goes faster. I saw this cartoon on comic.com Doxies really do know how to entertain themselves and others.
Here's some snow pics I took today.